Design Inspi­ra­tion

Coastal Charm

The quin­tes­sen­tial beach house style has received a mod­ern refresh, main­tain­ing all of its com­fort­ably casu­al, breezy qual­i­ties while also incor­po­rat­ing a touch of relaxed ele­gance. This coastal charm aes­thet­ic is decid­ed­ly chic yet invit­ing, and can be a won­der­ful way to cre­ate a hos­pi­tal­i­ty or restau­rant space that looks and feels like a sea­side retreat.


We’re break­ing down one of our favorite coastal-inspired restau­rant inte­ri­ors, giv­ing you all the design details you need to make this look your own.


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White Oak Plank Table Top

Light wood tones are a sta­ple of the coastal charm style, serv­ing as a nod to the white­washed drift­wood you might find along the shore. The plank-style con­struc­tion has a sub­tle nau­ti­cal feel with­out going over­board (we couldn’t resist the pun), while the cus­tom stain accen­tu­ates the pale, neu­tral col­or of the white oak.

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White Oak Plank Table Top with Cus­tom Stain from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co., avail­able in a vari­ety of sizes/shapes


Custom Bench & Booth Seating

There’s no deny­ing that the cus­tom booths are one of the high­lights of these inspi­ra­tion images, help­ing to anchor the over­all design while incor­po­rat­ing appeal­ing col­ors, lines, and shapes.

One of the key qual­i­ties that sets these cus­tom booths apart
is their bench-like design, which keeps the pieces from feel­ing too heavy or bulky. The open base and arched legs car­ry through the airy qual­i­ties of a laid back beach house, adapt­ing it for a restau­rant space that is equal parts ele­gant and no-fuss.

The com­fort­ably padded booth seats and backs are uphol­stered in two dif­fer­ing shades of green for a tone-on-tone effect that flaw­less­ly fits the coastal col­or palette, and the choice of Appalachi­an ash for the wood con­struc­tion is in line with oth­er light wood tones. Final­ly, thought­ful details like the beveled planks (which echo the table tops) con­tin­ue to embody the ele­vat­ed nau­ti­cal feel.

Get it here:

Cus­tom Uphol­stered Booth from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co., avail­able in a broad range of con­fig­u­ra­tions, back/seat heights, styles, etc.


Pin Leg Table Base

In order to pull off the open, airy charm of a coastal inte­ri­or, look for ele­ments that won’t weigh the design down — like a stream­lined, ultra-slim pin leg table base. This base style gets the job done with­out tak­ing up too much visu­al real estate or legroom.

Get it here:

Pin Leg Table Base from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co.


Hanging Woven Pendant Shades

Nat­ur­al tex­tures like bam­boo, rat­tan, and jute are syn­ony­mous with the coastal aes­thet­ic. Light­ing offers the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­duce one or more of these tex­tur­al ele­ments, espe­cial­ly in the form of hang­ing pen­dants. Con­sid­er plac­ing pen­dants with woven shades over booths, or even cre­at­ing a state­ment-mak­ing series over the restau­rant bar.

Get it here:

Flo­ra Rat­tan Pen­dant from Pot­tery Barn, Woven Bam­boo Pen­dant Shade from World Mar­ket, Head­lands Bell Pen­dant from Ser­e­na & Lily


Palm Leaf Wallpaper

Although some beach house-inspired inte­ri­ors stick to a sole­ly neu­tral col­or palette, many opt to include a curat­ed selec­tion of more col­or­ful — and even play­ful — ele­ments. Here, an eye-catch­ing wall­pa­per in shades of deep navy and seafoam green is a stun­ning back­drop for all of the lighter tones through­out the space. The repeat­ing palm leaves cre­ate a large-scale pat­tern, so the final effect isn’t over­whelm­ing or busy.

Get it here:

Cole & Son Palm Leaves Wall­pa­per, Kela­pa Wall­pa­per by Har­le­quin Wall­pa­pers, Baja Wall­pa­per from Albany Wall­pa­pers, and Palm House Wall­pa­per from Sander­son Wall­pa­pers, all avail­able in var­i­ous col­or­ways.


Coastal Paint Color Palette

It’s no sur­prise that a coastal col­or palette draws inspi­ra­tion from the scenic set­tings that inspire this design style. Mut­ed shades of blue and green, sandy beige, warm white, and light grays are all com­mon col­or options, often lean­ing towards cool tones. When assem­bling your own col­or palette for coastal design, look to shades that remind you of sea glass, sand, sky, and of course, the ocean.

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Let’s Bring Your Design Ideas to Fruition

Whether your hos­pi­tal­i­ty space is ocean­side or tucked inland, with the right ele­ments, you can cre­ate a coastal-inspired aes­thet­ic. If you’d like help trans­lat­ing your beach house inspi­ra­tion into a tan­gi­ble design plan, con­nect with the expert team at Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co. to get start­ed today.