Infant Carrier Stand

Make your space a baby-friendly zone by accommodating the needs of guests with infant car seats and carriers. Our infant carrier stand/sling has solid beech construction and is available in multiple finishes. The design can be used with most standard seat/carrier models up to 30 pounds for a safe and secure placement.

Dimen­sion when in use:

  • 18”W x 20”D x 24”H

Euro­pean Beech con­struc­tion assem­bled and stained in Vir­ginia with a cat­alyzed lac­quer fin­ish and strong propy­lene straps. Accom­mo­dates most infant car­ri­er mod­els. Weight lim­it 30 lbs.

A‑1 Nat­ur­al Beech
A‑2 Wal­nut Stain
A‑5 Mahogany Stain

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